Chris Ferguson #portfolio

Weeknotes: 2023, Week 1

First week back, not much to write about yet.

What did I learn this week?

Received a timely reminder to always have a slide deck ready! You never know when you need to explain something to someone - even if you're not the most informed - and the power of a visual aid can never be over-estimated.

When an action comes out of a call - sit down and assess who should or could be doing that (other than me), or who can help with that. It's easier not to take the time to assess action points when they come up on a call, and these are the ones that catch me out and send me into the old trap of just doing things myself.

What was challenging?

Finding an authentic tone of voice on "professional" Social Media - especially the facade-ridden timelines of LinkedIn - is really tricky.

What do I need to take care of?

I STILL need to take that leap and get out of the building.